About Forum

Tenth Russian Internet Governance Forum (RIGF 2019) to take place on April 8, 2019 in Moscow

RIGF 2019 is not just any ordinary forum as first of all it will be marking its 10th anniversary in 2019 and secondly, the Russian national top- level domain .RU will be celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2019. Therefore, the program will include an extensive discussion of national domains and their place in the ecosystem of the modern internet while the forum itself will become a central event of the jubilee year.

Experts participating in RIGF 2019 will look back on the establishment of the internet governance ecosystem in Russia, speak about its main distinguishing characteristics and speculate on what the global network governance may look like in the future.
The forum will continue the practice of actively involving new actors in the process of global internet governance. Guests and speakers will formulate the current trends in the internet governance as well as discuss new challenges for the participants in this process.

The program will include sections on information security, digital economy development, international cooperation and technology innovations. Experts from different countries will discuss who must proactively participate in the global internet governance and how to attract new stakeholders.

Additionally, RIGF 2019 will by tradition offer special events on the program for those who are just starting out to get acquainted with the internet governance. They include introductory presentations by prominent experts from around the world on the background of the process, the current state of affairs and also the prospects of the global network governance.

The forum was organized by the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ with the support of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media.

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General Media Partner
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Digital Info Partner

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We welcome you to the 10th Russian Internet Governance Forum

Lotte Hotel, 8 bld.2 (2nd floor, Crystal Ballroom Hall), Novinskiy Blvd, Moscow 121099, Russia